Together Again

Twice our miniature schnauzer, whose name is Maddie, has been at death’s door.  It has happened both times that we came to our mountain hide-away.  Why here?  Why now? What is doing this to her?

Maddie is a sweet and feisty six year old, with more personality than a team of cheerleaders!  She guards and protects us and has a way to wrap people around her little paw like a baby girl can wrap her Daddy.  She has us wrapped, to be sure.

At Christmas time and again two weeks ago, we awakened in the morning to find the floor covered with large patches of blood.  Of course we raced her off to the veterinarian, who was super-concerned and confused!  Tests, IV’s, medications and lots of TLC later, she recovered.  This time, her stay was extended because we had speaking appointments in the middle of the crisis.

We arrived home late at night from our last engagement, and couldn’t wait until morning to go to Dr. Becky to get “our girl.”  I’m not sure who was more delighted – her or us.  She wined and snuggled and wouldn’t let us out of her sight.  Of course we were delighted to hold her and pet her, and speak softly to the recuperating princess.  The next morning when we awakened, she was apparently surprised to discover that she had awakened in her own bed rather than in the doggie hospital.  She flew onto our bed and lavished us with kisses and sounds of delight.

Not only is Maddie a sweet little puppy, but she is also the star of a series of books in the making, written for children.  It is an I Feel . . . series for 6-12 year olds, with activities for parents to do with their children and additional information for parents.  The stories are written, and we are in the artwork and layout process.  Watch for them to be announced in the LRI Newsletter and in bookstores.

Now there is a new story to write – “I Feel Secure Again.”  That’s how it is when after we get all “twitterpated’ and topsy-turvy from illness, loss, separation and pain and once again find ourselves with those who we know love us and will care for and protect us. We are safe, secure and happy again.  Just like Maddie, we always want that “someone” near.

Who is your someone?

Oh yes, the cause of Maddie’s illness – the well-publicized, tainted dog food.

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