In His Time

It has been a very fast few weeks! There have been so many things happening, and we hardly know which end is up. So in order to keep you in touch with the comings and goings, thought we’d send a newsletter that was truly just that.

First item on the agenda was a root canal for Nancy. It was a 21/2 hour trip for her to Las Cruces, where the dentist who is an expert in these procedures, is located. That went very well, and believe it or not, she ended up counseling both the dentist and his assistant!

A good friend also from Phoenix was in a horrific accident with her husband in the passenger seat. He died in her arms at the scene. It has been a very difficult time for her, and we thank God for Pastor Mike Ortel who we called on to help her. He has been an incredible blessing to her. Fortunately she has a great relationship with the Lord, and that has sustained her, along with her friends.

Then we received a call from our dearest friends telling us that precious friend, Donna had a torn retina which had also detached. Now that’s scary! Fortunately after a four hour telephone search endeavoring to find a doctor in the greater Phoenix area who would see her, she saw him, diagnosis was confirmed and on a Saturday morning she underwent surgery to repair the damage. Surgery completed, she was at the doctor’s office again on Sunday morning for a check-up post-op, and then every two weeks afterward. Their visit to see us for two weeks had to be postponed for a number of weeks because of our altitude. It’s been hard on her because of the many restrictions regarding activity.

Ron had to have a tooth repaired, fortunately in town, and then Nancy had to schedule to have a crown measured, and then fitted.

Both of us had numerous “spots.” Ron’s were on his forehead and face and Nancy’s near her facial cancer surgery a bit over a year ago, and several other facial ones. On to Roswell again to see a dermatologist, who told us that all of them were from earlier life sun exposure. (A word to the wise for all you sun-worshippers!) Some cream designed to rid them was ordered, but not until after two weeks of application and then blisters and finally (hopefully) a disappearance. Good friends, Karan and Eric brought us some ointment that helped.

Then an e-mail arrived from a very dear Christian neighbor, telling us that she had been in Portland, Oregon visiting children, when she had a major heart attack. She was moments from death when arriving at the hospital. Praise God, they saved her, because she was 100% blocked. Now they say she may not ever be able to return to our village, due to the altitude. We are praying that she will have an excellent report at the end of September, because she loves our area and her little home, and we surely do miss her.

Then came a call from dear friends reporting their son’s separation from his wife, and their upcoming divorce. There have been many issues since their marriage, so this seemed to be the best option when cooperation between them wasn’t happening.

A call from our Naomi reported that a good friend from high school days was dying of cancer, and by the time of this writing has passed on. A friend and neighbor witnessed her new husband’s death due to a motorcycle accident. Naomi stayed with her for three nights, helped her plan a memorial service and will continue being a benefit to her. We are blessed with incredible daughters!

And then if Ron didn’t have another tooth issue – a broken one this time, that just needed to come out. An excellent dentist in Roswell, NM was able to remove the broken incisor easily, thank God!

Our daughter Sara’s daughter Hannah is pregnant again. Her babies will be about 14 months apart, just like our girls are. Hannah has pre-eclampsia (very high blood pressure) and is on careful monitoring by Sara and her doctor! Prayers PLEASE for her safety and that of her little boy, Grayson Odell, who is in utero, due in September.

I would say that’s enough negative news, don’t you think so?

But here’s the good news:

Root Canal done and cap in place – all is well.

Kathleen, our other Phoenix friend, is doing well, considering her state of affairs. She has lost a lot of her sight due to Glaucoma, but has an excellent team of docs in Stamford, CA. Unfortunately it is a flight there and back to Phoenix, but perhaps she will get some great help there. She also has an upcoming knee surgery, and could use your prayers for eyes and knee.

Received word today that Donna’s eye is totally healed and she and Kenny are released to be able tocome see us for a couple of weeks, in a couple of weeks. YEA and thank you, Lord!

Talked with our neighbor’s son today and he says that his mom is doing okay in Portland. At the end of September, they should hear from her doctors telling her if she can return to her home here. Prayers continue for this dear woman.

Our “son” who is divorcing has found a small apartment, painted it, moved in with his cat, and is relieved that his emotional pain is finally ending.

Ron’s dental work is over, as is mine, and we are doing OK for the time being. Ron’s Parkinson’s dis-ease is progressing, but thankfully it’s a slow progression. We keep praying that the Lord’s will bedone on his behalf, and that his quality of life will continue to be fair, as it is now. Please pray for Nancy that her strength holds out so that she can continue to care for him.


God hears and answers prayer! The answers may not always be as we wish, but we are wise to pray within HIS will, so that in the end, we will be grateful that we did.

Years ago, the conception of our two daughters were the result of prayer. Remember Glenn Coon and his ABC’s of Prayer? ASK, BELIEVE, and CLAIM. He counseled us to pray, having found a matching Biblical promise (ASK); then believe that what God has promised, He will do (BELIEVE); and then CLAIM that promise as your own and picture it being fulfilled. We did that twice–hence our two beautiful daughters!

Sometimes God knows that it is best to not grant us our wishes, because in the long run, so doing would not be beneficial to us. Sometimes He says, “Wait.” In His time, He makes all things beautiful.

His time, not ours. Remember that, okay?

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