Believe in Miracles
Our daughter was about to start first grade. She was excited and so were we, so our preparations began in earnest well in advance of the start date. On our agenda, in addition to the new school clothes, was a visit to our family pediatrician for a physical exam.
The exam nearly over, the doctor took her to the eye chart. There, one of a parent’s worst nightmares came true. Naomi could only read the huge E at the top of the chart! Immediately, the pediatrician made an appointment with an ophthalmologist, and we saw her that afternoon. What we learned was frightening indeed, so we were sent on to Massachusetts Eye and Ear, a world famous clinic.
There, pictures were taken of Naomi’s retina, and we spent half a day in tests. Dr, Burson told Ron and I that our daughter was legally blind and would be totally blind within a year – Rubella Retinopathy was the cause, he said. That doctor referred us back to our ophthalmologist, who wasn’t yet satisfied, even though the slides of Naomi’s retinas accompanied her records. We were sent back to Massachusetts Eye and Ear to the world’s leading retina specialist. After a full day of testing, we were ushered into the physician’s office. One physician read aloud the results of her day’s tests while the other looked into her eyes with the ophthalmoscope.
Suddenly, the physician swung around on his chair. “Mom and Dad,” he exclaimed, “take your girl home. There’s nothing wrong with her eyes and there never will be unless she has some sort of accident.”
“But doctor,” we questioned, “How is this possible? There are pictures of her retina that show rubella retinopathy. We don’t understand!”
“Yes,” he replied. “I have the pictures. Last week there were spots on her retina. Today there are none. You believe in prayer, don’t you?”
Of course we believed in prayer, and what we had just witnessed was a miracle. God still is in the miracle business. We have seen several miracles done for that daughter, and we count on them to continue today.
Believing in miracles helps us to recognize them when they are dropped in our laps, as they often are. Our disbelief prevents us from seeing them and being thankful to the One who so generously sends them our way.