Nancy’s October Update

October is nearly gone; my favorite time of the year, at least it was in New England. The trees turn their most beautiful shades of brilliant red, orange and yellow. In New Hampshire and Vermont, farmers are harvesting sap from maple trees, and beginning the process of boiling it down to make your pancakes and French toast taste heavenly. The cheese, the extra sharp variety, a crisp Macoun apple eaten with while driving along the country roads, are experiences from my early marriage. All these combine to have made precious memories.

And now the month of thankfulness.  As I look around me at the packed boxes in my living room and garage, I heave a sigh of exhaustion. Another move?  This one is necessitated after a poorly spell and my two daughters wanting me to move closer to them – not with them, mind you. I am not ready for that because I enjoy some independence and baking bread, etc. in my own kitchen.  I am truly thankful that Sara and Naomi care enough to want me closer where we can enjoy more fun times together and they can watch out for their nearly 80-year-old mother.

Naomi has driven to the home I am leaving several times and is a wiz-kid at packing, thank God. I know that I’m taking far too much stuff, but a few afternoons for the next few weeks will help me to sort out the boxes going in my storage shed. Picture me sitting there on my walker.

So, do I have much to be thankful for?  You bet I do.

  1. The Wonder Savior who sustains me day and night. Brings me comfort, guidance and love always!
  2. My wonderful family who loves and cares for me.
  3. My precious neighbor here, Geri, who has given up many fun times of game-playing , with other friends, to help me pack.
  4. The lovely new place I am moving to, with a beautiful swimming pool with chair lift, a lovely chapel, good food, and new friends to meet, but no one can ever take the place of Geri, Rosa and John, Marge and Roger, Betty, Ilana, Janet and many others!
  5. Friends like Kenny and Donna, Priscilla, Gail and Darleen – these are old and special. So are Karan and Eric and Dr. Petr Cincala of Andrews University and Jeff & Pauleen.
  6. And Bob who takes me to church, out to eat and is kind and generous.

There are so many things that I could add to the list, but this is already long enough. I am thankful for each of you. Keep me in your prayers, will you please?  God Bless you all!


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