10 days til Christmas…

WOW! Only 10 days with which to prepare for the big day, but . . .

I sit with laptop in Ron’s special chair and in my PJ’s. I’m in what eventually will be my living room, but now it’s purely my existing room. WHY? Because it is filled with boxes, and not brightly colored, beautifully wrapped Christmas gifts to family. They are all one color – brown. Yes, they are the cardboard boxes from moving twice. A lot has happened since I last wrote . . .

My friend and I finally got moved to our two-bedroom place, after a 2+ week delay because it had been flooded from a neighbor’s apartment. So, the company tore the apartment apart, and basically rebuilt it, floors, and all.

The day before Thanksgiving we went to buy toilet paper, etc. I was in the store for 10 minutes and came back to the car to find my friend dead. The nurse, still in me kicked in. I called 911, 20 uniformed men showed, and off we went by ambulance. Both of our daughters came immediately and went to the hospital with us. The ER docs tried with five shot directly into the heart, but no response.

Not only was my friend gone, but I would have to move again to a smaller, more affordable apartment. Yes, I had to hire the mover again, even though I had wonderful, generous help from daughters.

Of course, my back started to rebel, and I’ve been reluctant to move a lot, for concern about another fall – who needs that? I did hire a helper to do some unpacking, but there remain the boxes still. I may have to pay for more help again.

But you know what? The greatest gift we have received at Christmas came in a barn in a bed of straw. Oh, my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will receive their gifts for sure – sent for a long time ago.

My greatest gift will be your prayers, that I might soon have a living room emptied of boxes, and the strength and pain-free back to see to it. So, think of my boxes, (same color) as the straw, as you sit around the tree with your beautiful boxes.

And say a prayer. For me, will you? I will be with my family, just minutes away, for a couple of days.

May God grant you:
His love to always bless you…
His joy to always fill you…
His presence to always keep you close to all that is good.

With love, Nancy

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